Healthy Young POLes – HYPOL database with synchronised beat-to-beat heart rate and blood pressure signals

HYPOL – Cardiovascular Time Series Database




data sharing, cardiovascular time series, RR intervals, blood pressure, interbeat intervals, healthy young people


Data sharing in medical research entails making research data available to other researchers for review, reuse, and collaboration. This paper seeks to describe the HYPOL (Healthy Young POLes) database, which has been prepared for sharing. This database houses the clinical characteristics and beat-to-beat cardiovascular time series of 278 individuals of Polish descent, all aged between 19 and 30 years. The data were collected from healthy volunteers who participated in multiple projects at the Department of Cardiology-Intensive Therapy research laboratory, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland. The cardiovascular time series data was obtained from non-invasive continuous finger blood pressure and ECG recordings, with sessions lasting up to 45 minutes. The HYPOL database includes an xls file detailing the main clinical characteristics and text files that capture ECG-derived RR intervals, finger systolic, diastolic, and mean blood pressure values, as well as the duration of interbeat intervals.
The data is from 149 women (53.6% of the total) and 129 men. The median age of all participants studied was 24 years, their BMI was <24 kg/m2, pulse rate and blood pressure were average. The median duration of the recordings was almost 30 minutes. In addition, we summarise selected parameters of heart rate variability (HRV) and heart rate asymmetry (HRA).
The HYPOL database is available at The download of data is free after simple registration. Researchers and engineers can use the database to test various mathematical algorithms for HRV, HRA, blood pressure variability and asymmetry, and baroreflex function, except for selling it.


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Author Biography

  • Przemysław Guzik, Department of Cardiology-Intensive Therapy and Internal Medicine, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poland

    Przemyslaw Guzik, MD, PhD
    Department of Cardiology – Intensive Therapy
    Poznan University of Medical Sciences
    Przybyszewskiego 49
    60-355 Poznan, Poland


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Original Papers

How to Cite

Guzik P, Krauze T, Wykrętowicz A, Piskorski J. Healthy Young POLes – HYPOL database with synchronised beat-to-beat heart rate and blood pressure signals: HYPOL – Cardiovascular Time Series Database. JMS [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 13 [cited 2024 Oct. 25];92(4):e941. Available from:
Received 2023-10-20
Accepted 2023-11-12
Published 2023-11-13