Iron Deficiency in Pregnancy: A Brief Review




anaemia, iron deficiency, pregnancy, iron supplements


This paper highlights iron deficiency anaemia in pregnancy; its prevalence, causes, screening, and management. Iron deficiency is a spectrum that ranges from iron depletion to iron deficiency anaemia. Iron deficiency is the most common and leading cause of anaemia in pregnancy both in developed and underdeveloped countries. The incidence of iron deficiency anaemia varies worldwide depending on differences in race, socioeconomic factors, nutritional status, health condition, and the frequency of parasitic illnesses. Untreated Iron deficiency has significant adverse foetal and maternal consequences.  The management of iron deficiency anaemia includes education regarding dietary modification, specifically ways to enhance iron absorption and iron supplementation. Although oral supplementation is typically the mainstay of treatment, more severe cases of iron deficiency anaemia may require intravenous supplementation.


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Review Papers

How to Cite

Yusuf ZU, Isaac Dibal N, Chiroma MS. Iron Deficiency in Pregnancy: A Brief Review. JMS [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];92(2):e776. Available from:
Received 2022-11-18
Accepted 2023-03-28
Published 2023-06-28