The impact of factors in work environment (especially shift and night work) on neoplasia of female reproductive organs
neoplasm, shift work, melatoninAbstract
Shift work, due to disruption of circadian rhythms, can interfere with a number of physiological functions. It may lead to multiple pathologies (functional gastrointestinal disorders, peptic ulcer disease, hormonal disorders – including impaired melatonin secretion, cardiovascular disease, mental disabilities, neurological disorders etc.). In the last few years, we started to think about the association between disruption in melatonin secretion and the occurrence of certain malignancies. Authors describe and discuss pathophysiology, epidemiological and clinical data concerning influence of shift work to occurrence of some neoplasms.Downloads
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Copyright (c) 2015 Bartosz Bilski, Paweł Rzymski, Katarzyna Tomczyk, Izabela Rzymska

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