User experience and design thinking as a global trend in healthcare


  • Krzysztof Stola Poznań University of Economics Moscow State University of Management ISCTE-IUL



human-centered design, innovation, patients


Human-centered design describes a process and methodology that begins and ends with accommodating the needs and desires of our end users – the patients, families, providers, and other stakeholders, who each play a crucial role in the innovative healthcare creation process. Based on the desktop research it was found that human-centered design methodologies and tools are trending in the different fields and areas of healthcare design systems. It was found that customer-centric approach is the key fact of innovation creation process whether it is product or service, technology or organization level. The conclusion is that it is time for healthcare to start solving real people problems by implementing the human-centered approach in order to achieve high results and create innovative solutions that will match their customers and stakeholders needs and desires.


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Author Biography

  • Krzysztof Stola, Poznań University of Economics Moscow State University of Management ISCTE-IUL
    Entrepreneur, UX/UI Designer with deep passion to innovation and excitment in both professional and private life.

    I have vast experience in business consulting & marketing field. I work daily with SME companies in the strategic and operation levels. Every single person in company is a new box of experience and knowledge I use to find innovation in processes, services, products and business models. I'm looking deeply into the company and always try to find unique features that will make that business great within its industry. On daily work I try to combine lean, kaizen, design thinkign, UX, UI in one complex strategic process. Together with the Team we develop digital marketing services for the customers from SMB sector.

    Besides consulting & designing activity I am also a business owner, which give me full infromation and user experience in the business functionality area. I always say, that if you want to help other people build great companies, you have to build it first for yourself with blood and sweat and tears. If you don't experience it, you will never achieve exceptional level as a business mentor or consultant.

    You can get to know me as a business workshop facilitator, design strategist, front-end developer, designer, operational worker, public speaker, or just as a hustler in any business area I'm currently working on.


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Review Papers

How to Cite

Stola K. User experience and design thinking as a global trend in healthcare. JMS [Internet]. 2018 Mar. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 5];87(1):28-33. Available from:
Received 2018-02-28
Accepted 2018-03-08
Published 2018-03-30