The effect of endometrioma on ovarian reserve


  • Małgorzata Agnieszka Szczepańska Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Gynecological Oncology, Division of Reproduction. Poznan University of Medical Sciences.
  • Paweł P. Jagodziński
  • Ewa Wender-Ożegowska



endometriosis, AMH, ovarian reserve


An ovarian endometrioma is a very common form of endometriosis in women of reproductive age. This review presents the current state of research on ovarian reserve in women with ovarian endometriomas. Endometrioma can negatively affect ovarian markers: the anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH), antral follicle count (AFC) and in vitro fertilisation (IVF) results. Decisions on the surgical treatment of endometrial cysts should be carefully thought through, especially in women who have not given birth.


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How to Cite

Szczepańska MA, Jagodziński PP, Wender-Ożegowska E. The effect of endometrioma on ovarian reserve. JMS [Internet]. 2017 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 5];86(3):237-9. Available from:
Received 2017-02-07
Accepted 2018-01-23
Published 2017-09-30