Thin basement membrane disease – literature review
thin basement membrane diseaseAbstract
Initially, the thin glomerular basement membrane disease was called “a gentle and curable hemorrhagic nephritis”. The thin basement membrane disease has been finally characterized at the beginning of 1970s. This is when the connection between previously clinically described gentle microhematuria and significant thinning of glomerular basement membrane discovered during examination under the electron-microscope has been established. Ultimately, the disease has been described as a condition characterized with a diverse clinical course, usually mild, but sometimes progressive. It is a family conditioned disease, but it also appears sporadically and concerns at least 1% of the population. It has also been stated that it is one of the most frequent renal diseases, enumerated directly after changes caused by infections, hypertension and renal lithiasis. This particular disease is diagnosed more often than IgA nephropathy and Alport syndrome, which are also associated with haematuria or microhematuria.Downloads
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