Physical activity and the risk of malignant breast cancer development in women


  • Katarzyna Plagens-Rotman Department of Midwifery, Department of Mother and Child Healthcare, Faculty of Public Health, Poznań University of Medical Sciences
  • Karolina Chmaj-Wierzchowska Department of Mother and Child Healthcare, Faculty of Public Health, Poznań University of Medical Sciences
  • Małgorzata Piskorz-Szymendera Poznań University of Medical Science Department of Midwifery, Department of Mother and Child Healthcare
  • Aleksandra Zielińska Department of Preventive Healthcare, Faculty of Public Health, Poznań University of Medical Sciences
  • Maciej Wilczak Department of Mother and Child Healthcare, Faculty of Public Health, Poznań University of Medical Sciences
  • Beata Pięta Department of Midwifery, Department of Mother and Child Healthcare, Faculty of Public Health, Poznań University of Medical Sciences



breast cancer, physical activity, professional work


Introduction. The role of physical activity in preventive healthcare constitutes a subject matter of numerous research. In fact, it was proven that physical effort has an impact on lowering the risk of some neoplasms.
Aim. The aim of the paper was to assess the influence of physical activity on the increase or a decrease of odds ratio for developing breast cancer in women.
Material and Methods. The research included healthy women and women diagnosed with breast cancer on the basis of biopsy material or surgical intervention. The research involved 850 women, aged 21–84.
Results. Increased physical effort during household duties and physical activity in patients with breast cancer presented as follows: 1102.61 MET (Metabolic Equivalent of Task) for passive rest, 3803.47 MET for household duties, and 1971.54 MET for physical activity. On the other hand, in subjects with no change in the breasts the study indicated the following results: 1024.05 MET for passive rest, 4150.97 MET for domestic activities and 1651.46 MET for sports activities.
Conclusion. Medium and high physical activity associated with household duties decreases the risk of breast cancer development. In order to lower the risk of developing breast cancer in women, active lifestyle should be promoted in terms of physical effort within medium physical activity, i.e. 600–1500 MET.


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Author Biographies

  • Katarzyna Plagens-Rotman, Department of Midwifery, Department of Mother and Child Healthcare, Faculty of Public Health, Poznań University of Medical Sciences


    Department of Midwifery, Department of Mother and Child Healthcare, Faculty of Public Health, Poznań University of Medical Sciences


  • Karolina Chmaj-Wierzchowska, Department of Mother and Child Healthcare, Faculty of Public Health, Poznań University of Medical Sciences


    Department of Mother and Child Healthcare, Faculty of Public Health, Poznań University of Medical Sciences


  • Małgorzata Piskorz-Szymendera, Poznań University of Medical Science Department of Midwifery, Department of Mother and Child Healthcare


    Department of Midwifery, Department of Mother and Child Healthcare, Faculty of Public Health, Poznań University of Medical Sciences


  • Aleksandra Zielińska, Department of Preventive Healthcare, Faculty of Public Health, Poznań University of Medical Sciences


    Department of Preventive Healthcare, Faculty of Public Health, Poznań University of Medical Sciences


  • Maciej Wilczak, Department of Mother and Child Healthcare, Faculty of Public Health, Poznań University of Medical Sciences


    Department of Mother and Child Healthcare, Faculty of Public Health, Poznań University of Medical Sciences


  • Beata Pięta, Department of Midwifery, Department of Mother and Child Healthcare, Faculty of Public Health, Poznań University of Medical Sciences


    Department of Midwifery, Department of Mother and Child Healthcare, Faculty of Public Health, Poznań University of Medical Sciences



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Original Papers

How to Cite

Plagens-Rotman K, Chmaj-Wierzchowska K, Piskorz-Szymendera M, Zielińska A, Wilczak M, Pięta B. Physical activity and the risk of malignant breast cancer development in women. JMS [Internet]. 2017 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 25];86(3):199-203. Available from:
Received 2016-12-08
Accepted 2018-01-12
Published 2017-09-30