Assessment of women’s awareness about reproductive and breast cancers


  • Karina Weronika Kosińska Scientific Circle of the Institute of Health Sciences, H. Cegielski State College of Higher Education in Gniezno
  • Weronika Maria Lubawa Scientific Circle of the Institute of Health Sciences, H. Cegielski State College of Higher Education in Gniezno
  • Magdalena Szczęśniak Scientific Circle of the Institute of Health Sciences, H. Cegielski State College of Higher Education in Gniezno
  • Katarzyna Plagens-Rotman Division of the Practical Teaching of Midwifery, Department of Mother and Child Health, Poznan University of Medical Sciences
  • Izabella Miechowicz Department and Division of Informatics and Statistics, Faculty of Medicine II, Poznan University of Medical Sciences
  • Grażyna Bączyk Practical Nursing Laboratory, Poznan University of Medical Sciences Institute of Health Sciences, Hipolit Cegielski State College of Higher Education in Gniezno
  • Agnieszka Ulatowska Practical Nursing Laboratory, Poznan University of Medical Sciences Institute of Health Sciences, Hipolit Cegielski State College of Higher Education in Gniezno
  • Michał Umbreit Institute of Health Sciences, Hipolit Cegielski State College of Higher Education in Gniezno



cancer, risk factors, prevention


Introduction. The aspect of prevention and treatment of malignant tumours is a key problem of public health in Poland, posing a great challenge for the health care system. A perfect method of fighting against neoplasms is prevention. Its widespread use may allow reduction in the risk of developing cervical and breast cancer.
Aim. The aim of the paper was to assess women’s awareness about prophylaxis and risk factors related to the development of reproductive and breast cancers among women subject to the survey.
Materials and Methods. The analysis comprised a group of 154 women at the age from 17 to 70. The study was conducted between 17 March and 30 July 2015. The research tool used in the study was an independently prepared survey questionnaire.
Results. The biggest group of respondents (48.70%) was made up of women at the age from 20 to 30. 68.83% of the women had a secondary level education, 42.20% were women from cities of between 51.000 to 100.000 inhabitants and only 1.94% represented large cities of over 500.000 inhabitants. A change in the size or shape of the breast (88.96%) and changes in the look of the nipple (86.36%) were quoted as the most frequent symptom of breast cancer.
Conclusions. The knowledge about reproductive organs and breast cancer prevention among women is not fully satisfactory and needs to be broadened. Media (internet, television) were the most popular source of information on cancer prevention among the respondents. It is necessary for family doctors and midwives to intensify health-care activities aimed especially at women who are the age associated with an increased risk for cancer.


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Original Papers

How to Cite

Kosińska KW, Lubawa WM, Szczęśniak M, Plagens-Rotman K, Miechowicz I, Bączyk G, et al. Assessment of women’s awareness about reproductive and breast cancers. JMS [Internet]. 2017 Mar. 27 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];86(1):23-9. Available from:
Received 2016-06-24
Accepted 2017-03-01
Published 2017-03-27